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Kanto Factory

We established Kanto Factory 2 as a dedicated cold press factory in 1980. In 2006, we merged it with Kanto Factory 1 (Yashio, Saitama) into the Kanto Factory.
The merger enables processes using both the one press and spinning methods, enhancing efficiency.
As our main head plate factory, Kanto Factory ships approx. 3,500 plates each month. Four factory buildings stand on a site that measures 12,734 m2.

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Kansai Factory

This key factory boasts advanced technologies developed and passed on since the company’s founding, including pressing, spinning, safety, and other production technologies and know-how.
With its special machining technologies, it plays a key role in meeting various customer needs. Among its most important roles within the company is providing leading technologies to other production bases and training the engineers and supervisors needed to help apply these technologies.
Handing down expertise from experts to young technologically-oriented employees. Creating synergies between our factories at home and abroad to drive growth. We’re committed to continuing to evolve.

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Hokuriku Factory

This division was set up in 1968 as the base for the Sea of Japan coast area. The factory has obtained a first class pressure vessel manufacturing license from the Ishikawa Labor Bureau.
Hokuriku Factory produces brewing equipment for sparkling beverages, various manholes, semispherical and conical welded structures, high-pressure steam sterilizers, and various vacuum driers.
The factory works hard to meet various needs across a broad range of industrial fields, delivering canned products using high-precision welding technologies and special-shaped canned products using pressing technologies combined with high-precision welding technologies.

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